Good News| Our school won the silver medal in the 18th " Revitalization Cup" National Skills Competition


From November 25th to 28th, the national final of the 18th "Revitalization Cup" National Youth Vocational Skills Competition was held in Hangzhou. The theme of the competition is "Excitement to start a new journey and build a new career", organized by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and hosted by the CPC Hangzhou Municipal Committee, Hangzhou Municipal People's Government, Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Zhejiang Province. Our school won the silver medal and superiority award in the competition of machine tool assembly and maintenance, which is the only silver medal in this competition in Shanghai.

After more than two months of intensive training, in the instructor Ru Qiusheng, Yuan Yaqin, Yan LongweiOur students Zhuang Yang and Yuan Shiqi in the competition project machine tool assembly and maintenance win the silver medal and the award of excellence. Yuan Yaqin who is the instructor went with the team during the competition.

In the past years, project "Machine Tool assembly and Maintenance " was held in the form of team competition in pairs, one person is responsible for mechanical transmission system setup and maintenance, one person is responsible for machine tool electrical installation and debugging and troubleshooting, and this year, it was held in the form of single person competition, which requires the players to have the ability to comprehensively solve the problems of the whole machine, which is a very high requirement for the players. From the beginning of the theoretical examination on November 25, the two players of our school played the spirit of the pursuit of excellence to the extreme, seized the time, fought for speed, competition technology, and they won the outstanding results finally.

Since the launch of the 18th "Revitalization Cup" competition preparation, the Department of Electromechanical Engineering paid great attention to the "Revitalization Cup" participation, the school committee carefully coordinated, and actively provide logistical support, all the participants in the game dare to fight, take on the role of, vividly demonstrated the good spirit of teachers and students of our school. All the contestants dared to fight and act in the competition, which vividly showed the good spiritual outlook of our teachers and students.